My Call Center Solutions

Vacation Rental Pros (VTrips) Case Study


VTrips was founded in 2002 by Steve Milo and is a full-service property management company that primarily deals with short-term vacation rentals servicing Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Maryland, New Mexico, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas. 

When VTrips was introduced to Call Center Solutions, they had a serious challenge hiring quality customer service agents locally who were passionate about succeeding in assisting with customer support that would ultimately drive revenue. Amanda Cash, the Regional Director of Guest Services, was facing crippling challenges in staffing quality agents for her operation.


VTrips was beginning to look for assistance in staffing but wanted to make sure the partner they chose had the same values and work ethic that aligned with their current team. After being introduced to CCS as a referral, VTrips decided to partner with CCS and supplement their current team to find quality customer service agents while also decreasing payroll expenses.


VTrips worked with the CCS operations team to craft a training program that could be accessed remotely. Since partnering with CCS, Amanda has contributed much of her teams’ success to CCS providing qualified agents with a passion for hospitality. Amanda also shared their abandonment rate has gone from an average of 8-10% to 1-5%. In addition, with VTrip’s continued success and growth comes continuous expansion on the CCS team– starting with 12 agents to now 40 or 90% of their Guest Services team. The future looks bright for the VTrips team now that they have dedicated, skilled agents to help them continuously receive high quality service scores.

Testimonial from Amanda Cash:

“In my many years of interviews with locals in the area, CCS has a great reputation for providing a great environment for their employees, as well as supplying the staff with development opportunities. They are very respected in the community and the management team is great with communicating. They are happy to help navigate through local laws and regulations. We have been very pleased with this relationship and hope to continue this partnership in the foreseeable future.”

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